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On this episode, Jason Garcia of The MJCast en Español joins Jamon as a guest host in Q’s absence. Jamon and Jason kick Episode 040 off with some follow up discussion around Episode 039‘s show length and how Jason feels being one month into hosting The MJCast en Español. News items include Kingvention 2016 (including an audio roundup from Karin and Elizabeth of The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies), the 3T weekend in Amsterdam (with an audio roundup from Christophe Charlot, author Travelling with a King) and an update on Christophe’s MJBackstage magazine. Following this, the guys discuss Rogue Magazine publishing never-before-seen photos and videos of Michael Jackson, Ghana’s President discussing Michael Jackson in his address to the United Nations, a new book on the HIStory era by Brice Najar and finally Brad Sundberg‘s late 2016 plans for In the Studio with Michael Jackson. The main discussion topic for this episode is all around the Michael Jackson songs that Jason and Jamon feel are his most underrated. Special thanks to L. Josefin (@_linajosefin on Twitter) for this great idea.
Follow Up
- The MJCast – Episode 039: A Kind of Deflated Pepsi Logo show length
- The MJCast en Español…one month in!
- Kingvention 2016 honours Dangerous 25 in style.
- 3T weekend in Amsterdam recap
- MJBackstage is to issue its final regularly released magazine this November.
- The latest issue of Rogue Magazine is set to feature unpublished images of Michael Jackson.
- Ghana’s President tells the United Nations to dance to the tune of Michael Jackson.
- Let’s Make HIStory: An Insight Into the HIStory Album by Brice Najar is to be released in French and English versions.
- Upcoming In the Studio with Michael Jackson events. London, Dublin, Berlin…and Mexico City!
Main Discussion Topic
- “What less famous MJ songs deserve recognition?” – L. Josefin (@_linajosefin on Twitter)
- Jamon
- You Can’t Win
- Someone In The Dark
- Lady In My Life
- Hot Street
- Song Groove (AKA Abortion Papers)
- Someone Put Your Hand Out
- Why You Wanna Trip On Me?
- Money
- Ghosts
- Is It Scary
- Morphine
- Break Of Dawn
- Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
- Xscape
- Jamon’s most underrated MJ song – We’ve Had Enough
- Jason
- On The Line
- She’s Out Of My Life [Demo]
- The Girl Is Mine [Mexico Deposition]
- The Girl Is Mine 2008 (feat. Will.I.Am)
- P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) [Demo]
- Stranger In Moscow
- Morphine
- Childhood
- Blood On The Dancefloor
- Fall Again
- In The Back
- Beautiful Girl
- One More Chance
- Get On The Floor
- I Can’t Help It
- Who Is It
- This Time Around
- 2 Bad
- 2000 Watts
- Threatened
- Speechless
- Slave To The Rhythm
- Sunset Driver
- Jason’s most underrated MJ song – Whatever Happens
- Q
- For All Time
- Fall Again
- Threatened
- Speechless
- Childhood
- Whatever Happens
- You Can’t Win
- Someone In The Dark
- Seeing Voices
- Elizabeth I Love You
- Dangerous
- Lady In My Life [Extended Version]
- Brandy – It’s Not Worth It (special mention for MJ’s background vocals)
- Q’s most underrated MJ song – You Were There
Finds of the Week
- Jason – Michael Jackson – Jam For Michael (Master Chic Mix)
- Jamon – Kawehi – The Way You Make Me Feel
Additional Links
- Juan Gabriel’s Wikipedia page
- The MJCast en Español on iTunes and Twitter
- The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies website, Twitter and Facebook pages
- The Dream Lives On Michael Jackson podcast on iTunes
- 3T performing a medley on RTL Late Night
- Christophe Charlot’s MJBackstage website and Travelling with a King book
- The MJCast – Episode 014: Travelling with a King Special
- Jason’s video footage of Janet Jackson performing live in Houston
- The MJCast – Episode 015: Brad Sundberg Special
- The MJCast – Episode 020: Taj Jackson Special
- Damien Shields’ article on Michael Jackson’s She Was Lovin’ Me
- Maid In Manhattan film
- Beyonce – I Can’t Help It [Live]
- The MJCast – Episode 006: Tommy Organ Special
- Michael Jackson – Immortal
- Michael Jackson – Threatened (Nick* Remix)
- Michael Jackson’s Threatened fan made video
Music Breaks & Ads
- Michael Jackson – Smooth Criminal (A Capella Cover by Duwende)
- Jackson Source
- Michael Jackson – Man In The Mirror (Jeremy Green Viola Cover)
- Kawehi – The Way You Make Me Feel
- Glenn Lewis – Fall Again
Connect with Us
If you have any thoughts, opinions, or feedback on the show, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at themjcast@icloud.com or find the links to our many social networks on www.themjcast.com. Keep Michaeling!
I’m with you Jamon about The Lady in my Life and Someone Put your Hand out and the other ballads you mention from Invincible . In fact, and you may find this peculiar, TLIML is my favorite song ever, even when MJ didn’t write it himself. And it’s because of the passion and the emotion and all the things he is capable to deliver when he sings like that. It’s just out of this world what he can do. I agree he most probably didn’t want to be labeled as a R&B singer but the truth is, those R&B songs bring his most incredible vocals, technically and emotionally. He just puts his whole soul and his humanity and his needs and everything that he had inside in those vocals. *shivers*
I don’t know why you guys get embarrased about the gold pants phenomena. It’s just expectable, would be strange if that didn’t happen. I mean, it was SOOO in your face and distracting that it’s natural it receives all that attention and love from the female population, even after all these years. MJ knew well was he was doing, when and why, specially with those pants lol. Apart of the obvious things that can be said about such topic, I find interesting how MJ could be so contradictory about things he would say and preach about modesty versus the things he actually DID. One could write a book about that 😀