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Elise Capron and Jamon Bull are joined by Andy Healy, Casey Rain and first-time guest Bobby Huntley for a round-up of news in the world of Michael Jackson, and a discussion around an intriguing upcoming film project based on the lives of MJ and Prince. The team chats about recently leaked footage from the 30th Anniversary rehearsals, the results of the Heal LA auction for a walk-on role in the MJ biopic, casting updates for that film, and the star-studded premiere of MJ: The Musical in London. Their main discussion topic is around a live-action film-in-development, called Royalty At the Park, which is created by Bobby, co-written by Andy, and with Casey as a Producer. Based on true events, it is set in the spring of 1988, and images the meeting of icons Michael Jackson and Prince at the Paisley Park compound. With so much myth built up around these two artists, particularly in terms with their interactions with and feelings for each other, the film is fodder for lots of interesting, deep-dive discussion.
This episode was edited by Jamon Bull.
Discussion Topics
• More 30th Anniversary rehearsal footage has leaked.
• Heal LA auctioned a ‘walk-on’ role for the Michael Jackson Biopic.
• Following Miles Teller as John Branca, more casting updates for the biopic have been announced, including the Jackson 5, and Laura Harrier as Suzanne de Passe.
• MJ The Musical has premiered in London.
• Royalty at the Park is coming!
Additional links
• Royaly at the Park website.
• Bobby Huntley’s Twitter, and main filmmaking website. (And his early-on YouTube review of MJ: The Musical!)
• Andy Healy’s Twitter, MJ101 series of ebooks, website, and albumism reviews.
• Casey Rain’s Twitter and YouTube channel, The Violet Reality.
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Perhaps one day ppl will see how much Michael was (also) an inspiration for Prince. Yep. We are programmed to think that Prince was the gifted one, and MJ just a performer.
Listening to MJ I start to hear music differently. The fact that Kit O’Toole in her book abt MJ ( can’t remember the title now) said that the first Prince ( and the Revolution) hit I am your lover is inspired by the Jackson’s funk and that he borrows MJ’s singing style, made me realize how much of the base lick of Billie Jean can be found in When the doves cry. I’m aware what Quincy said but perhaps I can hear more Vanghelis influence than that Donna Summer cover , and this by a long stretch of imagination.
Jumping to other Prince influences how can we name his Purple rain? Bc in MJ’s case we use words as plagiarism, , ripp-off,, stealing, in other’s case ,,inspirations,, or in thr best case interpolation. Cover? It’s not an original song, It’s just another sonic form of Elton John’s , Sorry seems to be the hardest word, 1976.
,,Little red corvette,, is just , Time after time,, ‘s Cindy Lauper.
The most beautiful girl in the world, just another form of Is this love, Whitesnake.
I’m stopping here.
His falsetto is just another’s MJ vocal influence, but MJ was singing the high notes in full head voice.
Both influenced by JB, more Prince than MJ. James Brown was influenced also by others, and took the dance steps of Jackie Wilson, Chuck Berry and a basic of the ,,step dance,, further.
Perhaps for some MJ fans is time to stop diminishing his sonic imagination and talent.
And when it comes abt live concerts, perhaps it’s time to believe him when he said after the mamoth Bad tour that he really consider that it’s his last. If he would had sing like any others, using the same vocal approach for every song, he could had sing live his entire life. But he did the inuman effort to modify his voice according to each
song story, this is more obvious in the second leg of Bad tour. As Darryl Phinnesse said in another interview his shows were with an eclectic musical style. But some MJ fans seems to forget also that MJ really had physical limitation and the infos are out there. ( swollen vocal cords towards the end of the Bad tour that was supposed to end in Tokyo 88 but not, vocal cords problems when recording Dangerous, some serious lungs problems due to lupus which were confirmed by the authopsy).
Anyway I hope Bobby’s project will be completed. Good luck and thanks for another good episode.