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Just when you thought things were getting back to normal, Jamon has deserted ship again, leaving Q to man the deck single-handed. Luckily, Q is more than capable of entertaining himself while Jamon isn’t looking.
In this solo episode, Q answers questions submitted by you, our loyal listeners. Episode 062 was the fastest-downloaded regular news episode in the show’s history, so Q felt Episode 063 would be the perfect opportunity to engage in a little back and forth with our ever-growing audience.
Topics ranged from MJ in the movies to what Q would do if if was manning the fort over at the MJ Estate, instead of here at The MJCast.
From Lina Yakoub:
• Who are three actors you think would be able to channel Michael the best in a movie (could be singers as well)?
• What already existing movie roles do you think Michael possibly could have played?
• Do you have any exciting guests on upcoming episodes and, if so, could you give us a few hints on who they may be?
From live-tweeting queen Carley (@MJIsMyGoldenBoy):
• Which MJ songs have you not listened to ever since MJ’s passing?
• What were the highlights of seeing MJOne?
From Lyne Tyler (@FmrMTLr):
• A common complaint with fellow fans is the lack of available materials from the Jacksons’ touring years. As we gripe about not having the Destiny, Triumph or Victory tours on any media, we never ask who owns the rights to those tours. Is it the band (ie. The Jacksons) or another entity? The MJ Estate may not have full ownership and may therefore not be to blame for not releasing them. I personally have no clue and thought you may have insight.
• My second question relates to your outstanding work in putting this podcast together. Without revealing your secret sauce, as you all seem to make it so easy, how do you manage to produce such a high quality show with consistent topics and without speaking over each other? How much prep time is involved and how do your respective significant others feel about the time we steal away from them? I love them all for sharing you with us so generously.
• One last question. Can we get Mr Thomson to live tweet more? He is priceless.
From Kory Wise:
• If you could go back to witness one moment from Michael’s life or career, what would it be and why?
From Reny SanLuis:
• If you could own any piece of MJ memorabilia, what would it be and why
• If you were in charge of the MJ Estate, what would be the first MJ item/thing that you would put out or do for the public?
• If you could go back in time and watch Michael create a signature moment during his stellar career, what would it be and why?
• The famous Oprah Winfrey question: What do you know for sure?
From Ashley White (@1958TO4EVER):
• Do you know what happened to the tsunami relief song Michael was working on around 2005, that he was shown working on in the Geraldo Riviera interview?
• Do you think we will get a remastered Thriller on Blu-Ray as a result of Thriller 3D coming to cinemas?
Additional Links
• The Dark Knight Trilogy – Falcone + Dr Crane/Scarecrow – Own It Now
• Pacific Rim – Jaeger Pilot suit up scene
• Episode 026 – Diana Walczak Special
• Michael Jackson’s Oxford Union speech
• Michael Jackson and Geraldo Riviera in the studio in 2005
• Episode 029 – Season One’s Q&A show
Music Breaks & Ads
• Michael Jackson One OST – 2000 Watts/Jam SuperMix
• Michael Jackson vs Lady Gaga – The King of ArtPop Megamix (by Robin Skouteris)
• Michael Jackson – The Legendary Megamix (by Robin Skouteris)
• Janet Jackson – Dammn Baby (Noodles Remix) (by @DJNoodles)
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If you have any thoughts, opinions, or feedback on the show, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at themjcast@icloud.com or find the links to our many social networks on www.themjcast.com. Keep Michaeling!